Monday, January 18, 2010

Fast Food Families - Why You Can't Afford The Drive Thru

It is a question that makes wind most mothers. What's for dinner? Unfortunately, the answer is often in despair, is found by the next voyage. Today's average American eats 4 or more meals away from home per week. Fast food is no longer a treat for many families. It is a habit that is not listed with a big price tag to a value menu.

Consider the mother who is trying to lose weight. You should eat 1,800 calories or less per day. When it contracts is an Hamburger, small French fries and small soda in the neighborhood go by, she's just spent 1,000 calories at lunchtime. Do not forget to mention the appalling nutrition from the calories. It is a very high price to pay for the convenience.

Here is a shocking study. The researchers found that every day, almost one third of U.S. children aged 4 to 19 fast food to eat the packaging probably about six extra pounds per child each year. Billions of dollars are spent each year on> Fast-food advertising directed at children. No wonder that America's children are struggling with obesity in alarming numbers.

So, what can you do to the cycle of unhealthy fast-food consumption to break for yourself and your children before it's too late?

1. Reduce the number of times you eat fast food. If you currently eat fast food once a week, then make it your goal to go for two weeks before the drive back through. Over time,wean himself away from fast food restaurants. reserve trips to McDonald's and Burger King for casual gatherings with friends.

2. Find more options for meals. Making sandwiches with sliced turkey breast and wholemeal bread with salad makes a simple meal finished, the more value than any nutritious meal. Buy a roast chicken or other ready-to-eat options at a grocery store instead of choosing fast food. Doing this with the fearTableware, paper plates why not?

3. Watch Super Size Me, you are almost in this documentary about the food industry, astonished. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock eats only McDonald's for just thirty days. You'll see what happens to his body in just one months. Believe me, you will not find a cheeseburger and fries in the same way again. This is a thrilling Sundance award-winning feature shows how we as a nation to eat ourselves to death.

4. CheckNutrition Facts on the menu items you order. What fast food place, you will most often? What do you get to know the rule? Go online and search for "Nutrition Facts" on the restaurant website. You may be shocked to discover the bacon cheeseburger for you love, is a whopping 900 calories. If you have to perform at a fast food restaurant to go to a friend or something, you do your homework first. To the least energy and harmful item on the menu. It is usuallya grilled chicken sandwich, chili, salad with dressing on the side or a fruit cup.

When your kids ask what's for dinner, do not automatically create a straight through to the next ride. There is nothing easy on fatty, unhealthy food that causes obesity. Get creative and find better food options for you and your loved ones.

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