Monday, November 30, 2009

Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol

Studies show that the typical American diet consists of 70% carbohydrates and 30% saturated fatty acids. Check your diet - there is follow this pattern? Heart doctors recommend that saturated fats from which no more than 10% of calories from the daily diet. Saturated fats are in animal meat and dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream, butter found). They are fats that are solid at room temperature.

Also connected to the saturated fats are trans fats. These are found within yourself-the-shelfDonuts, cookies, muffins and French fries and potato chips. Trans fatty acids and saturated fats are "bad fats" are fats, which clog the arteries and ultimately to a heart attack and / or strokes. Soon their consumption should be limited.

On the other side - there are "good fats". These are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and are found in vegetable oils such as olive, canola, and peanuts and nuts. Where possible substitute, the good fats for the badOnes. For example, instead of eating a snack of potato chips, eat a handful of almonds - your heart will appreciate your cholesterol and decreases in order to reflect this change in eating habits.

Probably the biggest problem with diets is now the shift to fast food. Fast food is bad fats and carbohydrates are not required load. In the last (2004) documentary "Super Size Me", the author only ate fast food for a month. He almost wontwenty-five pounds and felt terrible. Soon after he ate, he was hungry desire, although he realized he could not be hungry. And he developed a pot belly of visceral fat - the worse. In short, he went from a healthy young man with total cholesterol of 168 to an obese man in poor health with a total cholesterol of 230 - in just one month!

Cholesterol comes from two sources: your body and your diet. Plants produce no cholesterol, so that when a person limits the amount of animalProducts that he or she eats also prevents cholesterol-fighting in their place. Some bodies produce too much cholesterol - these people should work closely with their doctors to keep their cholesterol under control. For the rest of us, we must limit the amount of fast food, and meat that we eat.

Lowering foods that help cholesterol, are the natural ones. If you need a fast-food restaurant, get a colorful salad with low fat dressing and aTo drink water. Apples have (or other fresh fruit) for snacks. For dinner, a colorful vegetable salad, a lean cut (4 ounces) of red meat and size of a fist part or broccoli or peas or other vegetables.

At least once a week, cold-water fish (to eat again 4 ounces), such as salmon. Avoid potatoes and white flour. If you bake using whole grains, stone-ground flour. If you fry using olive oil or canola oil.

For breakfast, have bran flakes or oatmeal and orange juice. Eat only whole grain (orsome other grain), stone-crushed bread. Look on the labels of off-the-shelf sweets - if they list hydrogenated fats or trans fats - avoid them. Don't eat chicken or turkey skin.

Eat more vegetables with you meals - vegetables are loaded with heart-friendly and cholesterol-lowering nutrients. Fresh fruits are the same they are heart friendly and will lower cholesterol.

Eat smaller portions - American portions are way too large. Substitute soy milk for dairy milk - you'll eliminate This source of bad fats, and even more calcium. Plain, low-fat yogurt is another good source of calcium. Just add fresh fruit slices to make it, they are still attractive. Use margarine instead of butter, but check the label for trans fats or saturated fats.

To lower your cholesterol, a diet or fresh fruit and vegetables and lean meat. Stay away from fast food and processed foods. These tend to contain a quantity of grease additives, to whichAromas.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Foods to Help You Lose Weight Fast

If you want to lose weight quickly, what you eat is a top priority. There are a few principles, you must include in your daily life to see and feel results, but the right diet is the most important. In this article I want to talk about food to help you lose weight fast.

First, let me give you a brief overview of the other basic principles of a healthy lifestyle first. These principles should drink plenty of water daily (I recommenddrink up for you 1 / 2 to 1 liter of water per day) for best results, get plenty of sleep each night (try to get 7-8 hours sleep per night), cardio-training (I am recommending interval training with high intensity, as this is the best and fastest results) and Weight Training Exercise Building (muscle mass is very effective for burning calories for weight loss .... even if you have a rest .... and even up to 48 hours after the last training!) .

They are the following foods is bestFoods to help you lose weight fast:

Protein - lean chicken breast, turkey breast, almonds, fat free yogurt, whey protein shakes.
Fiber - legumes, lentils, beans, bran.
Complex carbohydrates - whole grains
Healthy fats - almonds, fish, avocado, olive oil
Vitamins / Minerals - a breeze here ... Fruit and vegetables. The best fruits to help you lose weight too quickly would be apples. The best would have to be vegetarian spinach. Apples and spinach are the kings of fruits andVegetables. You should eat other fruits and vegetables, of course, so you get a variety of different vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Official Meatrix II ½

Processing of meat. Continued from the last adventure on a dairy farm, Leo and Chickity Moopheus attempt to rescue the kidnapped and was taken to the slaughterhouse. By Sustainable Table ( and Free Range Studios ( for Participant Productions and produced the Fast Food Nation social action campaign ( / fastfood nation). ... meatrix Matrix Fast Food Nation Fox subscriber dairy factory Moopheus cows rBGH free range ...

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

no choice - chapter 20

. I have the feeling that I dont belong in this family anymore. Mom and Dad are always busy trying to help my brothers. Romi's simply too young to understand all this. what should I do? -hey! - Bill said as he kissed me on the cheek and sat down opposite me in the fast-food restaurant we had planned in. I could not help smiling to meet him, and we began to talk and hang like we've done in the last few weeks. Bills visit all the way from Europe for a while. and I was happy to none ...

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Food That Burns Fat Fast - Food That Burns Fats With Health Benefits As Well

We all know that our foods burn fat quickly consume and that the exercise is not the only thing that will help you lose weight. They should also be aware that with the food you eat, you might hurt your chances, you lose weight. This means that the need for a balanced diet is very important.

Experts point out that eating a good source of food burn the fat that can help you lose weight when taken properly, as it is foods that are rich in proteins,and fiber.

You should also stay away from foods that quickly accumulate fat. Examples of some of this accumulation of fatty foods are fast food, fried foods, pizza, pasta, sweets, desserts and treats. Avoid foods high in sugar. The reason for this is that if they are not healthy and the sugar remains in the form of fats in the body.

For a complete breakdown, here are some of the foods that help you lose excess weight in the stomach.


One couldto think that the eggs have cholesterol, and you're right. You have been warned. The egg lays excess fat in the body. If you do not know the amount of cholesterol in eggs, then take the egg yolk. The protein is the one who helps in the break of fat in the stomach.

Low-fat dairy products

Studies have shown that women who consume low fat dairy products lost at least 70% of their fat. These products are not only contribute to the bone, but also a good source of food,Burn fat fast.


There are different types of beans, to help you lose weight - white beans, broad beans, to name a few - and they are very rich in protein and fiber. But ensure that the seeds are not boiled or fried, as these grains are rich in unhealthy fat and contain lots of sugar.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Does Fast Food Cause Obesity?

Well, the simple answer is yes it can. Let's be honest, there are many other factors, the obesity epidemic sweeping the planet. Lifestyle plays a large role and the fast pace of Western consumer society often requires that people eat take "a bite out of the simplest, quickest outlet.

By its very nature, is fast-food usually prepared and served quickly and take all too often quickly eaten by people with too little time for properLunch break. I'm sure there are some healthy options of course but the average take-out is often high in saturated fats, hydrogenated fats, salts, sugars and refined carbohydrates.

The sophisticated marketing techniques that have been employed by many fast food chains very successful in "steering" of the pallets of the people against the door with tempting advertisements, smells good, generous portions and competitive pricing. Some organizations also target theyoungest and most impressive among us with the party of food, toys and gifts.

Government agencies living standards around the globe do not have the people by giving them watered down proposals to reduce those ingredients that contribute most to obesity and chronic diseases. Strong lobbying by various industry groups, has all but neutered the powers of some agencies that are not its strong focus is needed to proceed this obesity epidemic.

About processedFood is primarily to satisfy the need for corporate profits and not in the best interest of the common man. The long-term costs of failing to solve the problem, the stock of the fast-expanding food industry will see almost as fast as the average of the federal government, while the health insurance and suffer from the growing burden of the treatment of obesity and chronically ill.

People are in bold lethargy, laziness, ignorance and self-denial.The fast-food industry relies heavily on the human train of taking the easy way. It is much easier, a delicious dish from an illuminated display, read books to get recipes, buy the ingredients and spend time cooking.

Just as people stop ballooning itself in a life-size? The first step is to recognize the problem. Then they should be advised to by a dietician. The last and most difficult step is to act on the advice given to and theProgram.

Good food scientists are not talking diet, they are talking about changing lifestyles. Diet does produce a temporary weight loss regime, and this approach is rarely the desired long-term results.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Cheap Meal Ideas - 3 Alternatives to Fast Food

Society today is very tired and overworked. Everyone is busy and running at a fast pace each day. It does not matter what the reason for the hectic pace of your lifestyle, your time is precious and must be managed effectively. You need to eat cheap ideas to help you stretch your time and money while still providing a healthy and nutritious dinner for you and your family.

The Fast-Food manufacturers know how little time we have and just use make thissuccessfully. The idea of coming home after a long day at work and cooking for four or five people is not something we tend to try us on top of preparing for the next day and to seek to finish their homework too. This is why it you cheap meal ideas that require no cleaning, no kitchen offer, and get only 25 minutes.

Mothers and fathers are the first to take a run on the drive up to the trouble with shopping, avoid cooking, and cleaning after the meal sothey can go home and relax a bit before they need to wake up and do it again and again. The problem is that eating so much fast food will inevitably cause obesity and not the healthiest choice to consider. There are some very cheap meal ideas to take almost no time for preparation and will come home to a good meal more bearable.

The first idea involves eating cheap meat, vegetables, pasta or rice, and everything in a bowl. A quick stir fry, begin witha few thin slices of meat. Beef and chicken is also good work. Add a modest amount of soy sauce to the meat. Cook until fully implemented. In the same pan, add a bag of stir fry vegetables in the mix. Add a cup of water to the mix as the vegetables are heating to make a sauce of species. While cooking the meat and vegetables, get off a bag or two of the boil in bag rice. Leave this to cook, the rest is heating. When the rice is done, put a helping on each plate and the stir fryVegetables and meat. This is not just a cheap meal idea, it's fast, it can be done in just 20 minutes.

You can whip up a hearty batch of pancakes and scrambled eggs for the family in about 30 minutes or less. If you think it is strange to eat breakfast foods for dinner, consider how these same foods that you give what you need to go through the day. Another cheap meal ideas to try, is a simple macaroni and cheese, served with meat. The minced or Turkeytakes only 20 minutes through and cook the macaroni and cheese can be terminated before the meat is. Sign up for an extra taste, a small can of tomato sauce for a tomato macaroni dish.

If you have an update of these or other cheap meal ideas at home, you will have time from your busy day to treat yourself and your family particularly.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Kids School Lunches - 13 Alternatives to Promote Health and Nutrition and Avoid Fast Food

For the parents, if your kids with healthy, nutritional lunches that they can be interesting to see quite a challenge. The "if it is good for you, then it must make boring" mentality this is a particular challenge, and you have such favorites as lollies, sweets and fizzy drinks to compete with.

Do not despair, it can be done, and here are 13 alternatives to get you started are. Instead ...

1. Rich fat salty snacks to try - why not

* Plain dry crackers, cakes, rice, maizediluted or Scottish oatcakes.

* Raw carrots or celery are cut into small pieces also an excellent choice.

2. Cake, pastry or sausage rolls try - why not

* Meat or cheese sandwiches or pasta with mince beef sauces (you can buy wheat / gluten-free bread and pasta if necessary).

* Tuna and corn.

* (Brown rice or white) with tuna and roasted vegetables.

* Falafel (Lebanese delicacy made of chickpeas).

3. Processed meats such as sausages,Salami or other - why not try

* Mince burger (home made), lentil burgers or bean burgers.

* Holdover from the main meals.

* Quality ham (eg Virginia) or cooked ham, which has been grilled, and the fat / rind removed.

* The quality of the sausage, mostly meat and not too fatty (gluten free sausages are a good alternative if you can) to find them.

4. Biscuits (cream filled or chocolate) - why not try

* Crackers or plain sweet biscuits, oatcakes, riceCrackers or rice cakes.

You can use these can make interesting with various topics such as tuna and corn or avocado (too much avocado are seen as the mast).

5. Chocolate / candy bars to try - why not

* Cheese cubes or dried fruit or yogurt with fresh fruit to add.

* Dairy products can you have a bloated, so sheep's or goat's milk yogurt is a great alternative to yogurt and cows have a different texture and taste. They are less bulky and easier toDigest).

6. Muesli bars and breakfast bars (these are often full of sugar and preservatives) - why not try

* Fresh fruit such as grapes, melon cubes, oranges or mandarins / satsumas.

* Nut muesli bars (check the ingredients first though).

7. Cordial or fizzy drinks - why not try

* Water is the best option for everyone in the lunch box.

* Milk, rice or soy milk are also good alternatives.

8. Chocolate spreads - why not try

* Sesame seed spread(Tahini).

* Humus-rich.

* Dip such as yoghurt, avocado or one that you yourself, for example, scuba diving, pita bread or cut vegetables.

9. Lollies / sweets - why not try

* Dried fruits, nuts and raisins.

* A bag as snacks with a variety of nuts and dried fruit and add 'sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

10. Chips / crisps or fries - why not try

* Hot homemade soups with the addition of sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Pecan *Nuts, almonds and flax seed are all great snacks as they are high in essential fatty acids and are best eaten raw (cooking them can be the essential fatty acid) to destroy component.

Encourage the best way to eat their children is that they add to soups as an alternative to croutons and sprinkle on yogurt and granola / muesli in the morning.

11. Fruit leather straps try - why not

* If you have your own fruit drier, then you can dry the fruits.

* FreshFruit, plain dried fruit eg raisins, dried apricots, mixed nuts, 100% fruit bars.

12. Donuts taste - why not?

* Raisin bread (which you can buy wheat free raisin bread if required).

* Muffins.

* Flapjacks.

* Scottish oatcakes with a banana.

* Tuna and corn.

13. Potato chips, corn chips and similar snacks try - why not

Disseminate Rice crackers or rice cakes with homemade dip, or bought one, as long as it is low in fatContent.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tustin Personal Trainer Offers Fast Food Eating Tips

I hear it over and over again through my work as a Personal Trainer Tustin: People are just not the right time to eat so they eat fast food on the fly. "Some even tell me that they are much increased in weight, because in the course of time schedule was so hectic, all they really had time to drive through food was greasy burgers and onion rings.

It's a real shame that these people think that greasy, fatty foods invite all is that it is available to eat too fast> Food restaurants. The truth of the matter is that if you are smart enough to have made about your selection, you can just grab food on the run and still stick to your diet. Here, the Council is that I want to go usually by my Personal Trainer Tustin company to my customers, free of guilt, the burger joints.

Research Before - If there is a special fast-food place you visit, as a rule, make sure you visit the site and look at the nutritional information onall the dishes before you order. You can really, be surprised how many calories and how much saturated fat, you go to your typical fast food meal. If you went into a fast-food place can be the first time, you're asking is usually a nutritional information brochure you quickly before you go through your order.

Grilled About Deep Fried - Select if you see a "BBQ Chicken Sandwich, with a" crispy "chicken sandwich, go for theevery time a grill. "Crunchy" means that the sandwich is fried, which means that swimming in tons of saturated fats.

Order Double Veggies - Order extra tomato, onions and a burger or salad sandwich is usually free, plus you could be some additional fiber and some essential nutrients in your meal.

Consider Order Kid's Portions - If you think all the items on the regular menu are considered bad to eat, try to look at the options on children's menu.A child of the burger size is smaller than a regular burger, which means fewer calories.

Never Order French Fries - In any fast-food menu, the worst thing to them usually French fries. If it is your weekly "cheat menu," one should never eat french fries. It's like the double whammy of foods that are bad for you. It is fried, which means it contains a lot of bad fats (and usually extra-bad trans fatty acids, depending on where you order.) And it also contains aAmount of starchy carbohydrates, which

Questions about the sauce Hold - Coated many burgers and sandwiches fast food places with "special sauce and mayonnaise. This is usually a lot more calories, sugar and fat, just ask the cashier to take it out could make your diet is an his significant help,

For example, if you ask to keep the sauce for the tender roast chicken sandwich at KFC, take 80 calories and 8.5 grams of fat from the meal. Calls to hold the mayo on the chickenMcGrill at McDonald's makes also makes the sandwich much healthier.

Do not Think all salads are healthy - As a Tustin Personal Trainer, I notice a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that salads at fast food places are always healthy. Sometimes, ordering a salad at a fast-food place can be just as bad for you as a customer a burger or sandwich. They often contain strips of fried chicken, fried tortilla strips, fat croutons and creamy salad dressings, theeven as many calories and as much saturated fat can chocolate chip cookie. Make sure you take a look at the nutritional information of salads, before you order.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Richard Jeni - Platypus Man, Part 7

Including his story of working in a shoe store and a little about fast-food restaurants. ... Richard Jeni stand up

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fast Food Corrodes Your Life!

We used to have a nutritious and home cooked food, but now it's switched to a diet of unhealthy and processed foods. Food additives and artificial flavorings are to be added. The fast-growing fast-food outlets attract customers with attractive discounts and restaurants and food varieties.

These foods look attractive and delicious, is not it? Think carefully before you eat, because they are bad for yourHealth. They are not only dangerous but also one of the causes of obesity, especially among children.

Fast food does not just those products that are processed, and already can be prepared quickly and the customer immediately in some popular burger and fries restaurants.

I am also pleased to tell even those foods that you put in a microwave and have it ready in a few minutes.

There are a lot ofworking mothers today, and she could barely squeeze some time to cook. They rely on convenience food or foods that do not require much preparation. These foods are unhealthy and bad for their children as well as burgers and pizza.

Processed food often contains unhealthy and unhealthy ingredients. Noodles, bread crumbs, corn meal, processed potatoes, dairy products, vegetable oils, saturated fats and sugar substitutes are a few examples.Sometimes, herbs and spices are added to those foods to taste them better.

Artificial colors, preservatives and artificial flavors are also available in the foods that they attached more unhealthy and unwholesome. You can imagine how unhealthy you are now, if this food is increasing constantly. They threaten your life!

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fast Food Folk Song - Rhett and Link [NAPISY PL]

W Zamawianie Drive-Thru, czyli Rhett i składają link zamówienie w w sposób oryginalny Taco Bell. Taki rodzaj zamawiania (ale głównie w stylu hip-hop) swego był bardzo czasu w USA popularny. Zwykle obsługa wymiękała never nadążając Notowanie z - po prostu tracili czas, a zamawiający mieli Radochen. To zobaczyć to tym razem jednak przy wymiękli klienci kolesiu z obsługi p Ogółem - trzeba;)

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Monday, November 9, 2009

A Steakhouse Is Full Of Delectable Dishes

Usually people like homemade food, but one aspect is common to us all, and that changes that everyone wants is to new experiences in life. Visit to New York City Steakhouse is one of your precious experiences as you find everything to revive your stale routine of life. NY Steakhouse is a perfect place for lovers of steaks, as it provides experience to enjoy with steak. Foodstuffs, the basic requirement of every human being, but if it is delicious and asof your choice entertains your mind and soul. Steak is popular food for many people, and New York City, there are many restaurants specializing in a variety of steak items. If you have an unforgettable evening with your friends and your family will want to spend NY Steakhouse is the best choice for you. You can use a variety of mouth-watering steak items that are delicious enough to increase your temptation. You can select each category of food additive according to your taste to like Continental, Chinese, Mexican, andmuch more.

NY Steak House has a huge selection of non-vegetarian food with a good taste. NY Steak House offers you the best experience of the eternal joy of eating. For those who come here for the very first time, it is really very hard for their delicious flavors to escape. If you are you going with a determination to NY steak house very soon came to visit. Not only the food but the relaxing atmosphere is the main reason that people join forcesSteakhouse visit again and again. The atmosphere inside the steak house is very keen, you can enjoy every moment there. NY Steakhouse is a cool and well-known meeting place for parties, you can invite your friends and relatives, Rock in the evening. It is place where you can feel relax from all your problems and enjoy a delicious meal. In New York steakhouse, you can enjoy many activities together with the meal, such as dancing enliven, listening to music, drinking, and much more thatYou'll never forget in your life.

To take a break from the hectic schedule visiting New York City Steakhouse is the best option is to have a joy and relaxation that you really want. You can visit a heavenly NY Steakhouse at any time, whether for lunch or dinner. The furniture, lighting and furnishing of NY Steakhouse, you will feel you are somewhere in this world, in a wonderful and unique place. This is the place for all who love food and alwaysready for an outing. The atmosphere rejuvenate your enthusiasm, which is why you want to spend more time at the Steakhouse. It is really awesome to enjoy a wonderful time in New York Steakhouse, the delicious food valuable time.

So if you're planning a trip then NY Steakhouse may your wish come true of a memorable time with your family and friends, where you can have delicious food, and may your favorite music where you can enjoy dancing.

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Healthier Fast Food - 10 Simple Ways to Make Fast Food Healthier

Aah, fast food. It is so easy, it's so rare, there is so delicious and it's so fast. Unfortunately, it is also just about the worst thing you into your body. Nevertheless, large numbers of people head to the nearest fast food joint a few times a week.

Obviously, fast food is never the best choice when it comes to what to eat. Occasionally, time constraints forced us to be honest, "grab something quickly. If you must eat at going, here are some tips to make fast food healthier for you and your family members:

1. Pass on the "value-size." If you choose to super size is the size of your fries is not the only one who is greater.

2. Skip the pages. Eating a burger or sandwich by itself is often filling. We often eat the side out of habit, they just seem to go together. If you want a site to examine a fruit cup or salad order. The most rapid > Food restaurants offer them.

3. Avoidance of double meat and bacon. One serving size of meat 2-3 ounces - about the size of a deck of cards. They are always beyond the single with a meatball. Bacon is in calories and fat with little nutritional content. Honestly, do not we all now know that red meat and fatty meats like bacon terrible for us?

4. Try the grilled chicken sandwich. Poultry without skin is significantly leaner than most meats quickly --> Food companies use in their burgers so if you must eat fast food is a better option.

5. Say 'No cheese, please. "Seriously, you can not miss the cheese but you save on calories, fat and cholesterol by putting it behind him.

6. Eat your sandwich open-faced. By eating only half of the bun, you can eliminate unnecessary calories and still be satisfied.

7. Ask you for a wheat bun. Many places now offer an alternative to wheat, others do not. It's never hurt to ask.

8. Directly from the Mayo and other cholesterol-laden dressings and sauces. Instead, choose ketchup or mustard. When it comes to salad dressings, stick with the vinaigrette types, they may remain high in fat, but it is not a healthier fat and cholesterol.

9. Drink water! Water is vital for your health. If necessary, drink diet soda or low-fat milk. Soda, tea and isotonic drinks with sugar, empty calories are loaded.

10. When it comes to> Fast food, Subway has really a lot healthier choices that still please the taste buds. You could get a tasty and low-fat sandwich, and yet just as you feel splurging.

The bottom line is that we live in a hectic time. I can not honestly say that eating fast food always the best choice, and I hope that when you do it regularly cut back, especially if you are raising children. If you feel the need to head to the nextRide through at least try some of these tips. These are all simple things you can do to make a positive step towards good health. Health is wealth and you and your family are worth it.

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's Not FOOD! It's DRUGS, Better Body Nutrition Austin

Be My Friend Joe's website It's Not FOOD! It's DRUGS, Better Body Nutrition Austin What is your food was not so food. "Fast food" is to be chemically manipulated like drug addicts. It is a form of mind control in order to eat you if they do not need their products are good for your health and wellbeing. Better Body Clinical Nutrition Joe Stickland, ACN Applied Clinical Nutritionist This video was produced by Psychetruth http ...

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fast Food and Obesity - Is There a Relationship?

Fast food is not the only culprit increasing obesity, but it is one of the most important factors. There were a number of studies found that areas were new fast-food chain in motion, in situations where there were none in the past, increased obesity levels.

A Canadian study found that for each additional fast-food restaurant was plotted for every 10,000 people, a city obesity increases by three percent a map on theDensity of the Top Ten of Fast-food chains. The top ten were Tim Hortons, Subway, McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, A & W, Dairy Queen, Harvey's, Wendy's, Burger King and Domino's Pizza. The next step was the drawing of a map of obesity. The combination of the two cards turned out to be the relationship between the numbers of fast-food restaurants and obesity.

The amount of dollars for the fast food industry spent is staggering. It has been at the McDonald's latest reportDeclaration that it was a turnover of more than 23 billion (billion with a "b"). Overall, fast-food sales were for the year 2007 nearly 170 billion U.S. dollars raised, and that my friend is a lot of hamburgers, fries and shakes. With almost three hundred thousand farms in the U.S., there are many ways to eat their products.

This is not difficult to see the connection between obesity and fast food, if you look at the nutrition labelinglarge chains.

Wendy's - Big Bacon Classic 580 Cal
Burger King - Double Whopper / cheese Cal 1060
KFC - Popcorn Chicken Large 660 Cal
McDonald's - Deluxe Breakfast 1190 Cal

Now I have the above figures by saying they are the best articles about calories in the associated companies qualify, but the numbers are used, theirto show the nutritional values. Most fast-food companies load their products with salt. A large proportion of the products are rich in carbohydrates and saturated saturated fats. While no one in their right mind would attempt, which tried in the movie "Supersize Me," remains the fact that the average family spends more and more amounts their meals in these restaurants.

If you Google "food guide for fast food" you will see the large amounts of caloriesThese chains have in their products. Grand Champion for the amount of calories in a portion goes to Dairy Queen Chicken Strip Basket for-4 with an astonishing piece of Buffalo Wild 1340 calories and 870 fat calories. Numbers like these will obviously contribute to obesity.

So it's not really difficult to extrapolate fast food and obesity. For reasons of convenience and speed, gives the consumer a healthy diet. Without a healthy diet, the person slowly accumulating bodyFat, which is the starting point for obesity. Everyone should strive to eat a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables. These are the people in a regular diet of fast food joints that are particularly vulnerable to obesity.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

6 Foods That Help You Lose Weight Fast

Changing your diet will include the following 6 foods will help to lose weight fast. These foods do not continue to lose weight by simply eating it (there are conflicting views as to whether) such food exists, but it will ensure that your metabolism and energy levels stay up, which means that it would be easier to lose fat.

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

1. Eating high fiber. Fiber has the ability to make you full and is very nutritious, butIt really does not contain a lot of calories. It helps the body to function, and especially the gut much better. To get a good dose of fiber to make sure you eat vegetables, fruits and unprocessed grains and cereals.

2. Lean protein. Our muscle tissue has a direct impact on our metabolism. The more muscle mass we have to burn calories faster we tissues. As our muscles are made of protein, it is imperative that we eat enough of it in our diet. Good sources of lean proteinChicken, turkey, egg whites, tuna and salmon.

3. Good fats. Yes, I said fat. Even if we want to lose weight, yet our body needs fat to function properly. But there is a big difference between good and bad fats. To a good fat we should walnuts, almonds, flax seeds and other nuts, olive oil, eat avocados, and coconut. Remember, no fat is not healthy and is bad for long-term weight loss goals.

4. Snacks. This is not a particular food, but I had alsobecause snacking can actually help you lose weight. It has been shown that it is better, 5-6 meals or snacks each day than 3 square meals to eat. Our body handles food better when it's in small doses. Snacking also keeps our blood sugar stable and helps the body burn fat faster.

5. Herbal tea. Drinking a hot beverage like tea helps you lose weight quickly for a number of reasons. First, drink a hot drink is a slow business means that it will start your mindEat. Second, the tea has a calming effect on us, the desire to avoid this and it is another way to increase our water intake too. It also contains many antioxidants that help slow down the aging process.

6. Water. Most people do not consider water as food, but it is very important that your weight loss efforts. Do you drink enough water helps prevent your hunger and help with all bodily functions, including metabolism. Drink 8-12 glasses per day. You will seeand feel much better.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Fast Food Restaurant Recipes

Many of us have a fondness for fast food, and they probably eat more often than we probably should. Moreover, many of our children often love to eat meals by leading fast food chains. At this point, some people would probably give you a more than healthy diet and avoiding too much fatty and fried foods lecture - but I will not - I leave it to you, the reader will act responsibly, choose an appropriate balanced diet. In any case, I am sure mostPeople who already know how important a healthy diet for her and her family, and what kind of foods that they should be especially food (if you are unsure, you should) to discuss this with your doctor.

The thing that I want to focus on in this article, the cost of eating in a restaurant. Yes, probably enjoying the food there, but it can have a major impact on your wallet if you regularly eat in restaurants. If you for money (and who does not savein these days?), an idea that you could save to help, is prepared to restaurant-style dishes at home. Why pay more for an expensive restaurant prices when you make the same dishes, just as good, perhaps better, in your own kitchen?

Of course, the question you are probably asking themselves is, can you really restaurant-style dishes at home? After all, most restaurants have special sauces, flavors and recipes, and they do not say in general, you the secrets behind them. However, whilemay not be able to get the exact restaurant recipes, you may also be able to get the recipes for similar dishes taste, thanks to "copy cat recipe books. This recipe includes instructions for pound the preparation of meals designed, such as restaurants find favorite flavor, and many people that these recipes can be surprisingly effective. Of course, such a copy cat recipes are not exact copies of the originals, but you never know, it is possible that you even make your own homemade version of preferencethe recipe.

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